I visited this shelter while living in Baghdad, around 2002. I was still in school back then and it was a school trip (mind you, it was the Baghdad International School, which was a UN school - not a propaganda trip.)
Of course, there weren't any bodies lying around or anything. However, you could see the silhouettes of people who were burned alive against the walls; what I will never forget was the frame of a mother holding her child, and a pair of handprints. The silhouettes were the melted skin of the victims.
In total, over 400 people died in this shelter. Nearly all of those people were women and children.
I found a couple of videos on youtube (1 - 2) with pictures. I warn you though, these are partly very graphic. Also, someone started a blog with a description of what happened.
As an Iraqi, I'm not asking for sympathy or pity. I just want you to see what happened in Iraq even in 1991, which is nothing compared to what is happening in Iraq since 2003.
I agree with you
ردحذفك جديد ، وأنا دائما البحث على الانترنت عن المواد التي يمكن أن تساعدني. شكرا لكم نجاح باهر! شكرا لك! أردت دائما أن أكتب شيئا في موقعي من هذا القبيل. يمكن لي أن أعتبر جزءا من مشاركتك لبلدي بلوق؟
ردحذفك جديد ، وأنا دائما البحث على الانترنت عن المواد التي يمكن أن تساعدني. شكرا لكم نجاح باهر! شكرا لك! أردت دائما أن أكتب شيئا في موقعي من هذا القبيل. يمكن لي أن أعتبر جزءا من مشاركتك لبلدي بلوق؟
ردحذففكر فقط أود التعليق ويقولون موضوع كبير ، هل رمز لنفسك؟ يبدو حقا ممتاز!
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