ملاجئ الموت - بغداد Shelters of death - Baghdad


Shelters Of Death

الأحد، 31 مايو 2009

Email from "Mrs. Siham Jouhari" Al-Amiriya Shelter filmmaker

Dear Mr. Sahab,

I have found your article ''Amriya Shelter''' posted on your website. My name is Siham Jouhari and I am doing a research about the US bombing on the Al-Amiriya Shelter in 1991.

I am actually preparing a Master in Fine Art at the New York Film Academy in Abu Dhabi and have chosen this terrible and unfortunately forgotten massacre to develop it into a screenplay and later a movie which I hope will be released in 2011 for the 20th Sad Anniversary.

I did not visit the site in Baghdad neither met the witnesses, the only sources I have so far are based on blogger's site, US reports and other International News media that I prefer to avoid.

I would like to show and tell stories of the people during this event of war as well as the suffering later when the embargo was imposed. I could never talk better than those people even if my craft necessitate an important part of imagination but in this particular case my heart is silent as I never experienced LOST.

I have heard about this lady ''Umm...'' who lost her eight children and husband while going home across the street to bring them food, that is the character I would like to discover as it is just incredible how human adapt and can survive such pain.

Therefore, I would like to know if by any chance you have met witnesses or better the seven survivors which names are not being released.

I will be more than happy if I can get anything such as stories, names, photos, memoir etc....

I thank you for your involvement as a writer and hope to hear from you in the near near future.

Best Regards...
Mrs. Siham Jouhari

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. well, nobody can talk better than those people, who saw the death, so close, so near, and so ugly. whereas the media became a war by itself, "maybe more important than armed war, and armies".its important to replay their Rockets and stand against their tanks by their own crimes. either by documented pictures or the victims,i am sure their"souls"the Immortal witness, will be the irresistible reality.
    once it gives a Sparks, you'll see what a big fire it will led to..
    i appreciate your job Mr. Sahab. it's really was such a nice moment when i read your comment on my blog. i would like also to, thank Mr "x" for his concern in this forgotten issue and thank him for his memory which resists their deceitful media..
