ملاجئ الموت - بغداد Shelters of death - Baghdad


Shelters Of Death

الخميس، 14 مايو 2009

دليل المدونات العراقية Iraq Blog Count

أول من كتب عن مدوناتي هو الأخ عباس هوازن في موقع دليل المدونات العراقية
Sahab has three blogs, each dedicated to collecting articles about a
controversial Iraq shelter

al-Jadriya Shelter, where torture of Sunnis was systematic during the tumultuous administration of Interior minister Badr-affiliated Baqir Solagh in 2005

al-Hanaan Orphanage, where unfed and unattended children were
found locked up in 2007

al-Amiriya Shelter which was bombed by Ameican warplanes during the 1991 war

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